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¡@About us >> Bank Profile

1. Date of Establishment and History
  Union Bank of Taiwan was the third private bank approved for establishment by the government in the awakening of banking liberalization and globalization. Based on a common interest in sustainable development and a business philosophy featuring ¡§enthusiasm,¡¨ reliability,¡¨ efficiency¡¨ and ¡§innovation,¡¨ founders of this Bank set up the preparatory office of the Bank on March 29, 1989, leading to the official operations starting on January 21, 1992. On September 19, 1995, this Bank was listed on what is today¡¦s Taipei Exchange and then on Taiwan Stock Exchange on June 29, 1998, becoming a publicly offered company recognized and identified by the public.
2. Merger, Acquisition, Reinvestment in Affiliated Enterprises and Corporate Restructure for 2016 and Current Year Up to the Printing Date of the Annual Report
  In order to achieve the goal of internationalization, the Bank has set up its Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office and Hanoi Representative Office. The Bank also got permission from the Financial Supervisory Commission in Mar., 2019 to set up a branch in Da Nang, Vietnam. As a result, the Bank has more branches and can provide a greater variety of convenient services for our customers. To expand business channels and the scale of operations, we acquired Chung Shing Bank collectively on March 19, 2005 and completed merging it with Union Bills Finance Co., Ltd. on August 16, 2010. To integrate overall resources, strengthen management, and demonstrate operating synergy, we merged with Union Insurance Broker Co., Ltd. on August 26, 2015 with BOD resolution and obtained the FSC¡¦s approval on March 21, 2016. The merger was completed on August 1, 2016, in which Union Bank of Taiwan served as the surviving bank, which continue to provide service for the insured customers of the Union Insurance Broker. By the end of March 2023, we have 90 domestic business locations, including 48 in Greater Taipei, 18 in Taoyuan and Hsinchu, 10 in Taichung and Changhua, 6 in Chiayi and Tainan, and 8 in Kaohsiung and Pingtung; 9 securities branches; and one overseas banking branch.
3. Form of Organization
  The Bank is a commercial bank limited by shares. Meanwhile, the Bank is not a member of a financial holding company.
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